The Every Day Leader: Speaking Truth

“My best friend is someone who brings out the best in me” – Henry Ford

Have you ever had someone asked your thoughts on something and rather than answer politely you wanted to tell them what you were REALLY feeling? Yet, there is something in us that holds back.

Sometimes we hold back because we are simply reacting without thinking about it and realize it would be a big mistake to blurt out our reaction. Maybe we hold back because we are only filtering it through how it makes us feel. Perhaps we choose not to say anything because we don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings.

I am sure we have all had these experiences at least once in our lives. I would also venture to say that holding back is not always the best thing we can do. I don’t mean we should say whatever is on our mind without regard to the other person. Speaking truth in love is one of the greatest gifts we can give another.

The key is saying it with love. That doesn’t mean we say it nicely, soften it up and water it down, or tip toe around the issue. It means we speak truth to another because we care enough to take the chance. Speaking truth in love means we care enough to thoughtfully respond in love as an act of kindness.

I am a firm believer that being nice and being kind are two different things. The nice person skirts around things, never wanting to upset anyone. The kind person takes the time and invests in another – to challenge, to speak truth, to guide. It is what makes us better people.

It is a gift of a best friend.

It takes building a relationship of mutual trust and respect. It is what sets the every day leader apart. It is someone willing to be kind.

It is about speaking truth in order to make a positive difference – to speak truth because you care.

I long to be that person of trust and influence and am grateful for those who do this for me!

Every day leaders influence those around them. They build a relationship. They are kind and go the extra mile, they speak the truth with love first.





15 thoughts on “The Every Day Leader: Speaking Truth

  1. We have very similar ways of looking at things. I hope you find something worthwhile in my blog too. It is always nice to make new like-minded friends, I hope we can share more together. 🙂

  2. Thanks Cathy, but I think the friendship scales indicate I came out ahead…lol…have a great weekend…be encouraged!

    PS – Thanks again for a great post…you have a wonderful voice.

  3. Stephen thank you for your kind words and reading the blog. I am so glad it resonated with you and your group. I am glad to have a new best friend 🙂

  4. Reblogged this on LifeRevelation and commented:
    Cathy has done a wonderful job capturing not only the Truth, but also the Spirit. So many times we witness the Truth being a thinly veiled excuse to to either denigrate others or satisfy our egotistical selves. Cathy is my new best friend, because she compassionately brings out the best in me…thank you Cathy…and now, let’s be encouraged!

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